Peace and Serenity

Peace: A state of harmony, absent of hostility.
Serenity: A disposition free of stress or emotion (anxiety).
Working towards peace and serenity will attract peace and serenity. I find peace sitting on my couch looking out at the bay, my flowers, the sun casting the shadow of the hill on the city below, and knowing I live without unnecessary drama. I wake up to the sunrise and watch the city lights turn on as dusk falls an the city wakes up again.
I went running. I ran up the trail to the top of Twin Peaks. It was windy, the fog was rolling in, the sun hid behind it, still not set, and I jogged to the peak. I stood there, my balance being tested in the sturdy, sea wind. Then, I found my way down. I didn’t run long, but I felt different went I returned home, invigorated, peaceful and serene.
Labels: Summer in SF