Friday, July 20, 2007

Peace and Serenity

Peace: A state of harmony, absent of hostility.
Serenity: A disposition free of stress or emotion (anxiety).

Working towards peace and serenity will attract peace and serenity. I find peace sitting on my couch looking out at the bay, my flowers, the sun casting the shadow of the hill on the city below, and knowing I live without unnecessary drama. I wake up to the sunrise and watch the city lights turn on as dusk falls an the city wakes up again.

I went running. I ran up the trail to the top of Twin Peaks. It was windy, the fog was rolling in, the sun hid behind it, still not set, and I jogged to the peak. I stood there, my balance being tested in the sturdy, sea wind. Then, I found my way down. I didn’t run long, but I felt different went I returned home, invigorated, peaceful and serene.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saturday School and Stern Grove

How can you encourage cognitive development? A conversation about building prior knowledge is how I began the weekend and dinner at Cha Cha Cha is how I ended the weekend. What happened in between is the essence of this summer. I learned, I questioned, and I went dancing on Saturday. I waited for Amy trying to decide if I had enough energy to stay out, and I did. I met people who's names I forget and contact information I never saved, they were more like instruments in my night, rather than friendships to foster. On Sunday, a group of intellects gathered to hear music, drink wine, and participate in one of the events San Francisco has to offer: Stern Grove (Thank you Lo and Remonica). We followed up on our Cha Cha Cha tradition after the show (the host Lorena offended and I are in the photo-trying to make friends and get us a table).

I let the weekend flow like it was supposed to, and it did. Not the way I thought it would, but the way I trust it needed to. Life is strange how it takes turns, what was so important at one time, loses its hold and there I am stronger, healthier, and more accomplished than when I struggled. There are things I think I want now. I will keep them in mind, respect them with my actions, but I will not try to force the issue. I am ready to be honest, wait, and see...

The sweetest thing I have ever known... -Lauryn Hill and the Fugees


Saturday, July 07, 2007

San Francisco

I have been living in the Bay Area since 2002, but I have yet to really take in and explore for a summer. This year, I am teaching summer school, taking a summer class (Issues in Learning and Instruction), and trying to take advantages of everything that presents itself. I have sailed on the Bay, walked around Angel Island, camped at the Russian River Blue's Festival, enjoyed the Sierra Nevada World Music Concert, and explored new places in the city.
